Star of the Sea College, Brighton VIC

‘Facta non Verba’







Established: 1883

Principal: Mary O’Connor

Address: 80 Martin Street, Brighton 3186


Key Information


117 Teaching

40 Non Teaching


$11,600 (Year 7)

$13,950 (Year 12)

VCE Subjects



Japanese & Italian


VET Available

Flagship Programs

Academic Excellence, Co-curricular Program, Environment and Sustainability, Indigenous, Positive Psychology / Wellbeing, Subject Range and Diversity,

About our school

Star of the Sea College offers a contemporary, values-based education that fosters the development of the whole person, instilling in students a strong sense of connectedness, a deep commitment to their faith, and a firm belief in their ability to achieve their potential.

Our motto, ‘Facta non Verba’ (Deeds not Words), encourages each young person to strive to be their best through purposeful action rather than mere intention – not just for themselves, but for the wider world.

Star is a school of opportunity. As a large College, we are able to teach a broad range of subjects designed to meet all interests and abilities. We are very proud of our high academic standards and our inclusive philosophy.

Our co-curricular program is equally vibrant and varied. Learning at Star is not confined to the time between bells. It is alive with activity well before lessons commence and late into the afternoon. We firmly believe that young people learn best in an environment where they are known, cared for and supported.

We take great pride in our excellent and comprehensive wellbeing program and offer counselling and learning support that addresses the diverse needs of our students.

Principal's Message

At Star of the Sea College, we believe in a strong partnership between the school, parents, and our foundations to nurture the growth of each student. By working collaboratively with families, we ensure that students are supported in all aspects of their development.

Our school programs reflect this commitment, offering academic, co-curricular, and wellbeing initiatives that engage students, broaden their horizons, and foster a sense of community. From leadership and social justice initiatives to sustainability projects, these programs allow students to grow holistically, preparing them to thrive in an ever-changing world while staying connected to their core Presentation values.

Ms Mary O’Connor

Quick Facts

  • Sport: 20 sports across four terms (GSV), Irish Dancing, Sailing, Gymnastics, Aerobics
  • Music: Stacella A Cappella, Competition choirs, bands, ensembles
  • Performing Arts: Music Festival, Production, Drama Fest
  • Debating & Writing: Debating, Writers Collective, Write a Book in a Day, Public Speaking & Plain Speaking Awards
  • Liturgical Celebrations: Mass, Chapel, Reflection Days
  • Social Justice: Friday Night School, Little Mission, Nano’s Walk, Sacred Heart Mission, Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project
  • Sustainability: Sustainability Group, Clean Up Australia Day
  • Study Tours: NASA, Italy, Japan, New York Arts Tour, Global Politics Canberra, German Exchange
  • First Nations: FIRE Carriers, MITS partnership, Red Earth Immersion

More from the school

Star of the Sea College VIC – Change Makers

At Star of the Sea College, change makers lead initiatives that promote inclusivity and sustainability, creating safe spaces for all. Inclusivity is woven into programs that support diversity, gender equality, […]

Change Makers


  • Patricia Carroll Auditorium
  • Sebastian Hall
  • Rosalie Jones Lecture Theatre
  • Multi-purpose sport courts
  • Tailored environments for focused learning and collaboration
  • University-style environment for senior students, enhancing their learning experience and independence
  • Kildare Cafe

2021 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 577 568 564 575 576
Year 9 605 606 596 616 603

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2021. Data sourced from:

2022 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 577 580 568 572 568
Year 9 613 613 597 620 604

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2022. Data sourced from:

Campus Locations

Main Campus

80 Martin Street, Brighton, 3186

Second Campus

North Rd, Brighton, 3186

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