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Star of the Sea College – Our Past, Our Present, Our Future

Boasting a rich history that spans over 140 years, Star of the Sea College was founded by the Presentation Sisters and inspired by the compassionate teachings of Nano Nagle. Our motto, ‘Deeds not Words’ (Facta non Verba), has been the guiding light for generations of students, with an emphasis on action and service. In the past, Star of the Sea College offered opportunities for young women from around the state through a boarding option. It served as a beacon of progress, fostering a culture of excellence and social responsibility.

Today, Star continues to uphold its legacy. We embrace modern educational approaches while staying true to our core values of compassion and community service. Our students are encouraged to be the very best that they can be and to be active participants in shaping a better world.

Looking to the future, Star envisions even greater contributions to society. With a focus on Living Justice and global awareness, we aim to arm our students with the tools to be agents of change, making an impact to create a more just society.


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