Academy of Mary Immaculate, Fitzroy VIC

'The city school for girls’







Established: 1857

Principal: Sr Mary Moloney rsm

Address: 88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065


Key Information


64 Teaching

24 Non Teaching


$8,850 (Year 7)

$9,255 (Year 12)

VCE Subjects



French, Italian and Japanese


VET Available

About our school





Academy of Mary Immaculate has educated young women for 168 years. Our vision and values shape a learning community committed to girls’ education and supports the important role young women will play in the future of Australia and the world.

As the city school for girls, we sit at the crossroads of where education meets the real world. We believe students who feel secure in their learning environment will be confident making social connections and in pursuing academic goals.

Our Year 7 transition program creates opportunities for connection and belonging, through peer-led support and an embedded Wellbeing Program, so that students can explore and negotiate difficulties or challenges with a strong sense of identity, social justice and purpose. From our location beside the Carlton Gardens, we conduct classes in Melbourne’s premiere learning and cultural centres – including the NGV, Melbourne Museum, ACMI and nearby world-class universities. Our Year 9 cross-curricular program, Synergy, requires students to apply knowledge across all subject areas as they investigate an immersive learning project and produce robust research papers, which they present to the school community.

We match curriculum with extension and support programs and co-curricular subjects – including the Arts, sports, social justice and leadership initiatives.

Principal's Message

A message from the Principal

The Academy of Mary Immaculate is a Catholic College in the Mercy Tradition united by our six Mercy values – Respect, Compassion, Justice, Service, Hospitality and Courage. These values underpin all our endeavours and are expressed in deed and word.

The Academy is a strong and united community, a place where students are known and feel safe and connected. We are a College of learning excellence and innovation and educate our students to be strong, resilient women.

We understand the intrinsic link between learning and wellbeing and ensure that our students are guided and supported in their learning, that they strive to excel and that challenges are met with grit, grace and determination. We educate the whole person.

Located just opposite the Melbourne Museum, we are “the city school for girls”. The city is our classroom. Much of our teaching and learning is based in and around the City of Melbourne.

We were established in 1857 and the College has operated continuously on this one site since then. As the oldest girls’ Catholic College in Victoria we celebrate our 168th year.
We invite you to visit us and see the vibrant, dynamic College that is the Academy.

Sr Mary Moloney, rsm

Quick Facts

  • Oldest girls secondary College in Victoria – celebrating 168 Years
  • 27% of students achieved an ATAR of 90 or above (top 10% of the state)
  • Diverse and dynamic Performing Arts and Music programs
  • Experiential learning in Melbourne’s world-class cultural centres
  • Synergy: Yr 9 Learning Program
  • Sister schools in Japan, Italy & educational tours of France and Cambodia
  • Business partnerships to accelerate STEM Careers • In top 7 girls schools in Victoria (2024)

More from the school

Change Makers

2021 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 579 563 568 572 564
Year 9 607 603 606 606 599

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2021. Data sourced from:

2022 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 558 565 562 565 555
Year 9 611 596 592 606 590

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2022. Data sourced from:

Campus Locations

Main Campus

88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy, 3065

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