St Peter Claver College, Riverview QLD







Established: 1976

Principal: Bruce McPhee

Address: 10 Old Ipswich Road, Riverview 4303


Key Information


87 Teaching

55 Non Teaching


$5,240 (Year 7)

$5,520 (Year 12)

QCE Subjects





VET Available

Flagship Programs

Apprenticeship Program, Arts Program, Co-curricular Program, Coding and Robotics, Facilities, Food Tech and Hospitality,

About our school

St Peter Claver College is a Catholic Co-educational Secondary College offering high quality and affordable education for students in Years 7–12.

Students receive a well-rounded education which strengthens resilience, expects excellence, fosters self-confidence and social awareness and develops an understanding of and respect for spirituality and faith in a safe and inclusive environment.

Our dynamic and inclusive curriculum includes a broad suite of academic programs, Certificate courses, School-based Apprenticeships and Work Experience options, and is executed by a highly motivated and professional teaching staff. It appeals to all learner types and makes quality education accessible to all families. Students can also participate in accelerated learning in the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities.

Our proven success in our excellent academic, spiritual and vocational programs and robust co-curricular offerings mean our graduates are confident and balanced young adults with skills fit for the 21st century. The College places a strong emphasis on service to the community, teaching our students gospel values, such as kindness, honesty and compassion. It is our sense of belonging to a community and a belief that diversity is our strength and empathy is our compass that ultimately sets Claver apart from other schools.

Principal's Message

The Claver community prides itself on its modern approach to excellence in co-educational learning and teaching; focused on the inherent value of each student and the explicit development of authentic and respectful relationships focused on knowing our students and walking with them as they strive to reach their personal capabilities.

We are a proud Catholic educational community, blessed to have at our core the spiritual and pedagogical ethos of two saints: St Peter Claver and St Marcellin Champagnat. It is because of this joint ethos that St Peter Claver College places an emphasis on quality learning and teaching which caters to all learners regardless of background, race, gender or socio-economic status.

Quick Facts

  • Modern curriculum with accelerated learning opportunities.
  • Multiple pathways: university preparation, Vocational Education and Training and a tailored mixture of both.
  • Demonstrated NAPLAN score growth comparing Years 7 to 9 results.
  • 1:1 Laptop Program.
  • Pastoral Care program focused on student wellbeing.
  • Culture and Identity programs.
  • Dance, Debating, Drama, eSports, Film, Music and STEM co-curricular opportunities.
  • Basketball, Futsal, Football/Soccer, Netball, Rugby League and Touch Football.

More from the school


  • 14-hectare site that preserves a natural bushland environment and offers plenty of space for modern facilities and growth​.
  • Well-serviced by public transport and a fleet of eight buses.
  • Library, eLearning Hub and Seminar Rooms.
  • Va Pasifika (Multi-Purpose Centre).
  • Performing Arts Centre for Dance, Drama and Music.
  • Film and Media Labs.
  • Visual Arts Centre.
  • Five Science Labs.
  • Trade Training Centre.
  • Food and Textile Design Block.
  • Industry Standard Hospitality Kitchen and Restaurant.
  • Inclusive Education Specialty Rooms.
  • Middle Years Centre.
  • Sports Oval – Rugby League and Football.
  • Netball, Basketball, Volleyball and Tennis Courts.
  • Gym.
  • Vocational Education & Training and Careers Office.

2021 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 537 521 540 531 542
Year 9 577 565 577 577 581

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2021. Data sourced from:

2022 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 526 512 538 527 521
Year 9 576 549 575 573 583

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2022. Data sourced from:

Campus Locations

Main Campus

10 Old Ipswich Road, Riverview, 4303

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