St Clare’s College, Waverley NSW







Established: 1884

Principal: Ms Ann Freeman

Address: 41-51 Carrington Road, Waverley 2024


Key Information


44 Teaching

16 Non Teaching



HSC Subjects



Italian & French in Year 8


VET Available

About our school

At St Clare’s College, every student benefits from personalised learning in a warm and supportive environment. Encouraged by passionate teachers, our students enjoy a holistic curriculum, one that will equip St Clare’s girls to become confident, resilient young women.

Our College motto, “Deus meus et omnia” (My God in all things), is at the heart of all that we do, underpinned by a strong sense of history and Catholic faith. St Clare’s students are encouraged to complement their faith with a proactive approach to their learning. Our innovative delivery of the curriculum ensures that students are challenged to develop skills of critical thinking and problem-solving.

By providing experiential and integrative learning opportunities, our students develop into creative, innovative and resourceful learners who can solve problems affecting their communities by drawing on a range of disciplines.

A St Clare’s girl thrives in the welcoming and inclusive culture of our College. Immersed in a positive learning environment, she is encouraged to take ownership of her learning journey. As a College, it is our privilege to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities that await them beyond the school gates.

Principal's Message

St Clare’s College Waverley is an outstanding secondary Catholic College.

We cater for girls in Years 7–12, based on a holistic approach to learning which will prepare students for the challenges and opportunities in the future. Skills of critical thinking, collaboration, inquiry, communication, reasoning, problem-solving and creativity are integral to all that we do.

Our College motto, “Deus meus et omnia” (My God in all things) is realised through dynamic teaching and personalised learning. We want our young women to leave St Clare’s empowered to do their best through experiences of leadership and social justice alongside diverse curriculum opportunities. St Clare’s College Waverley is an outstanding secondary Catholic College.

We cater for girls in Years 7–12, based on a holistic approach to learning which will prepare students for the challenges and opportunities in the future. Skills of critical thinking, collaboration, inquiry, communication, reasoning, problem-solving and creativity are integral to all that we do.

Our College motto, “Deus meus et omnia” (My God in all things) is realised through dynamic teaching and personalised learning. We want our young women to leave St Clare’s empowered to do their best through experiences of leadership and social justice alongside diverse curriculum opportunities.

Quick Facts

  • St Clare’s College is an award-winning Catholic girls secondary school. • Established in 1884, the College is rich in history & tradition.
  • Central to College life are the values of our Catholic faith.
  • The learning environment is positive, inclusive and tailored to each individual student.
  • Our focus is on giving our students experiences of leadership and social justice alongside diverse curriculum opportunities.
  • Our curriculum delivery emulates real-world experiences and provides authentic learning for our students.
  • The St Clare’s student is a creative, innovative and collaborative learner.
  • Our wellbeing program cultivates skills and mindsets that support resilience.
  • At St Clare’s, our core principles are respect, resilience and responsibility.
  • The St Clare’s graduate is strong, empathetic and independent.

More from the school


  • The Hub – it is the ultimate learning (technologically-rich) environment that continually provides students with both formal and informal learning opportunities.
  • Dedicated Textiles studio.
  • Dedicated Art studios, enabling students to work across a variety of mediums.
  • Professional kitchen, for Food Technology and Hospitality students, and for student-led catering of College events.

2021 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 575 576 570 579 568
Year 9 616 596 605 612 602

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2021. Data sourced from:

2022 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 579 579 577 571 573
Year 9 623 628 614 633 601

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2022. Data sourced from:

Campus Locations

Main Campus

41-51 Carrington Road, Waverley, 2024

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