Mt Maria College Petrie, QLD

‘Lead by Example’







Established: 1987

Principal: Kerry Maher

Address: Armstrong St , Petrie 4502


Key Information


53 Teaching

48 Non Teaching


$6,165 (Year 7)

$6,470 (Year 12)

QCE Subjects





VET Available

Flagship Programs

Music Program, Outdoor Education and Camps Program, Small Class Sizes, Student Leadership, Subject Range and Diversity,

About our school

Our vision is to provide a holistic Catholic education in the Marist tradition that promotes excellence and equity, and inspires, motivates and challenges students in all that they do.

We strive to empower our students to be confident and creative individuals who are successful, life-long learners, who actively contribute to the transformation of our world through example, service and leadership.

Mt Maria College Petrie provides access to the Australian Curriculum and the QCAA Senior Curriculum, as well as Vocational Education and Training.

Our subject learning pathways are designed to build knowledge, skills and confidence for further studies in chosen specialties.

Our Pastoral sphere of the College is designed to embody the nurturing ethos of faith, compassion, service and community rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ through the guidance of our patron saints.

Pastoral Care extends beyond academic achievement to encompass the holistic wellbeing of students. It fosters a supportive environment where students feel valued, heard and understood and cultivates character, resilience and empathy.

We champion leadership formation across years through a Student Representative Council.

We provide opportunities for service in various aspects of the College including Care to Cook, Breakfast Club, Meet and Eat Breaky, and various fundraising initiatives.

Principal's Message

You are warmly welcomed to come and experience the loving and supportive community that is Mt Maria College Petrie where we are unlocking potential and inspiring futures.

We are co-located with Our Lady of the Way Primary School and a short walk from Petrie train station. Our ongoing partnerships with USC, VET and industry mean that altogether we offer Prep to early career opportunities with pathways that are tailored to the student.

Our dedicated staff are providing first-class transformative, data-informed experiences to our students.

Please join me on one of my Principal Tours, there are various dates available in 2025.

​Kerry Maher​​


Quick Facts

  • Catholic co-educational College in the Marist tradition
  • Strong sense of belonging for every student
  • Short walk from Petrie train station
  • Strong relationship with USC & industry
  • Vertical house system where senior students assist younger students to transition into high school
  • Engaging curriculum and learning experiences • Leadership opportunities, retreats, camps, careers & wellbeing programs
  • Strong house identity & connection with community • Co-located with Our Lady of the Way Primary School
  • Peaceful surroundings and modern facilities

More from the school

Change Makers


  • Well maintained grounds and modern buildings
  • Design Technology Workshop
  • Hospitality Commercial Kitchens
  • Extensive Art Centre with Kiln
  • Sports Centre
  • Sports Oval
  • Modern, fresh and tasty on-site cafeteria operated Monday through Friday
  • Co-located with Our Lady of the Way Primary School
  • Leafy & peaceful surroundings
  • College Bus
  • Off street parking

2021 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 504 454 498 490 506
Year 9 530 496 531 521 541

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2021. Data sourced from:

2022 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 515 488 502 497 500
Year 9 526 500 524 514 540

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2022. Data sourced from:

Campus Locations

Main Campus

Armstrong St , Petrie, 4502

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