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Mt Maria College, Petrie QLD – Reimagining Education
As a strong and inclusive Marist community, we recognise that student and parent engagement is vital to successful student outcomes.
To achieve this, we remain responsive to the ever-changing needs of society by ensuring our curriculum and extra-curricular offerings promote excellence and equity, cater for the needs of all our learners and provide a wide range of pathways that motivate and challenge students to reach their potential in all they do.
Our teachers are dedicated to the mission of education and through strong collaborative practices achieve excellence in learning and teaching. Similarly, our focus on community wellbeing and strong Christian values is paramount to our success.
Being a school of around 540 students makes us small enough to know each student individually and big enough to offer a breadth of opportunities including VET qualifications, ATAR pathway, completing university subjects in Years 11 and 12, TAFE@School programs, school-based apprenticeships and traineeships, work experience opportunities along with leadership opportunities from Year 7 onwards.
Our holistic Catholic Christian education develops the whole child, one who, upon leaving our College, has the skills and dispositions to make a difference in their world, continues to promote social justice and has dignity and respect for all.