Parade College, Bundoora VIC

‘Tenete Traditiones’







Established: 1865

Principal: Mr Mark Aiello

Address: (Years 7-12) 1436 Plenty Road, Bundoora 3083


Key Information


183 Teaching

77 Non Teaching


$6,719 (Year 7)

$7,100 (Year 12)

VCE Subjects



Italian, French & Japanese


VET Available

Flagship Programs

Academic Excellence, Arts Program, Co-curricular Program, Coding and Robotics, Enrichment and Accelerator Programs, Environment and Sustainability,

About our school

Through the provision of extensive educational opportunities, Parade College assists students to develop into well rounded individuals. As the first Edmund Rice School in Australia, established in 1871, Parade has been at the forefront of education. Our motto, “Tenete Traditiones”, translating as “Hold Fast to Traditions”, provides a firm foundation upon which we embrace our rich heritage whilst also continuing to be innovative.

For the first time in its long history, in 2025 Parade will welcome female students as part of an expansion of the College’s VCE Vocational Major program for Year 11 and 12 students at the Preston Campus. Specifically, our Tertiary Pathways Program includes the introduction of a Business Academy and an expansion of the Sport Academy program with both pathways offering direct entry access to La Trobe University without the requirement of an ATAR. Available undergraduate courses include Business, Sport and Recreation Management, Media and Communication, and Health Sciences.

Principal's Message

Across our two campuses we are able to offer an extensive range of elective subjects and, at the senior levels, over 40 VCE subjects and 20 VET Certificates. Parade College is also a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), and the first school in Australia, and only one in Victoria, to offer the Manchester City Football School program. We strongly value partnerships with external organisations so that our students have every opportunity to fulfil their potential. These include La Trobe University, Manchester City Football Club, Melbourne City Soccer, Melbourne Indigenous Transition School, Northern Knights FC, Melbourne United Basketball, and Diamond Valley Basketball.

Mr Mark Aiello


Quick Facts

  • Years 7 to 12 VCE Pathway at the Bundoora Campus;
  • Years 10 to 12 VCE VM at the Preston Campus;
  • Coeducational Year 11 Sport Academy and Business Academy at Preston Campus;
  • Altior program for high achieving students;
  • Academic and Instrumental Music Scholarships;
  • Social justice and community service programs;
  • Registered Training Organisation (RTO) including onsite Trade Training Centre;
  • The first Manchester City Football School in Australia: Years 7 to 10;
  • Partnership with La Trobe University providing direct entry access;
  • Partnerships with Santa Maria College and Mercy College.

More from the school

Parade College VIC – Change Makers

At the request of Bishop Goold, Brother Ambrose Treacy, along with fellow Christian Brothers, Bodkin, Lynch and Nolan, left their homes in Ireland to travel to the other side of […]

Change Makers

Upcoming Dates


  • VCE Study Centre a dedicated study space for Year 12 students with direct access to Careers Centre
  • Nash Learning Centre with technology rich, innovative learning spaces
  • Rivergum Theatre a 300 seat performance centre
  • Yarangabee Hospitality Centre including three industrial kitchens
  • Edmund Rice Trade Training Centre and O’Shannassy Plumbing Centre
  • Performing Arts Centre with classrooms, musical equipment, and recording facilities
  • Two high performance training fitness centres
  • Waterford Sports Prectinct including a FIFA approved synthetic soccer pitch, dedicated elite standard AFL oval and multi-purpose indoor sport centre

2021 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 545 523 569 540 574
Year 9 583 559 590 585 596

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2021. Data sourced from:

2022 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 550 518 550 548 574
Year 9 583 552 583 575 602

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2022. Data sourced from:

Campus Locations

Main Campus

(Years 7-12) 1436 Plenty Road, Bundoora, 3083

Second Campus

(Years 10-12)8 Clifton Grove, Preston, 3072

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