Genazzano FCJ College, Kew VIC








Established: 1889

Principal: Loretta Wholley

Address: 301 Cotham Road, Kew 3101


Key Information


112 Teaching

65 Non Teaching


$28,772 (Year 7)

$32,569 (Year 12)

VCE Subjects



French, Italian, Latin and Chinese


VET Available

Flagship Programs

Academic Excellence, Arts Program, Co-curricular Program, Coding and Robotics, Enrichment and Accelerator Programs, Environment and Sustainability,

About our school

Genazzano FCJ College is a contemporary Catholic faith community in the tradition of the Sisters FCJ (Faithful Companions of Jesus).

We are a welcoming community that redefines individual academic success. We create a distinctive opportunity to prepare our girls in Prep to Year 12 and co-educational ELC students for a hope-filled global future.

Honouring the wisdom gained from over 135 years of educating girls, we confidently embrace all students’ talents, potential, and dignity – day, boarding, and international – to grow in excellence.

Throughout each student’s unique learning journey, we immerse them in a culture of inquiry that fosters compassion, courage, and confidence, developing critical thinkers who actively
respond and contribute to creating a more just and peaceful world.

We companion with others adopting a caring and loving attitude, serving a higher purpose through our Catholic faith and a commitment to social justice. We nurture the heart, mind, body, and spirit of our community.

Principal's Message

We provide holistic learning outcomes at Genazzano which ensure students are equipped with the important life skills they will need after graduation. We achieve this through staff and student collaboration, where together they explore the suitability of programs to enhance their relevance; and dashboards have been created to monitor student learning and progress. This distinct learning culture is future orientated and responds to the needs of 21st century learners, offering new pathways from ELC to Year 12. We have also redesigned our timetables to meet the changing needs of students and staff; and created integrated programs allowing for interdisciplinary studies.

Loretta Wholley


Quick Facts

  • Our educator-to-student ratio is 1:7
  • Campus is situated on 17 acres with historic and contemporary buildings, and manicured gardens
  • Remains Victoria’s only all-girls Catholic Boarding School
  • Offers a range of Academic, Music, Sport and Boarding Scholarships across Years 7-11
  • Studio Beyond ® offers diverse personalised pathways, including VCE, VET & microcredentials
  • Over 30 exceptional sport programs offered including Genazzano Rowing & GenSwim
  • Sports partnerships including GSV, School Sport Victoria, Secondary Catholic Sport Association
  • High quality music program that embodies the excellence of Genazzano
  • Music students have strong participation in choirs, bands, ensembles and orchestras
  • A Speech and Drama program offering students a range of opportunities using two-purpose built theatre spaces

More from the school

Genazzano FCJ College VIC – Change Makers

At Genazzano, we are committed to shaping the leaders and change-makers of tomorrow. Our cutting-edge curriculum, innovative educational practices, and advanced technologies are seamlessly integrated with our contemporary core values. […]

Change Makers


  • Campus is situated on 17 acres with historic and contemporary buildings, and manicured
  •  Our Physical Performance Centre is the largest fitness training centre in any girls’ scho
    in Australia.
  • State-of-the-art Madeleine Centre, features an orchestra pit, music classrooms and
    450-seat auditorium.
  •  Physical Education Precinct houses a 25-metre indoor heated swimming pool, large oval,
    open grassed areas, a full gymnasium and seven netball and tennis courts.
  • Located at the heart of Genazzano, the historic Wardell Building, designed by renowned
    architect William Wardell, was completed in 1891.

2021 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 3 485 459 482 525 470
Year 5 536 503 525 541 511
Year 7 609 581 592 601 595
Year 9 620 600 628 648 623

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2021. Data sourced from:

2022 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 3 528 464 461 499 469
Year 5 564 536 541 554 531
Year 7 585 596 576 595 589
Year 9 629 619 615 638 623

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2022. Data sourced from:

Campus Locations

Main Campus

301 Cotham Road, Kew, 3101

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