Aquinas College, Ringwood VIC

‘Illuminare et Ardere - To light up and be on fire’







Established: 1961

Principal: Mr David Broadbent

Address: 46 Great Ryrie Street, Ringwood 3134


Key Information


156 Teaching

91 Non Teaching


$7,680 (Year 7)

$7,680 (Year 12)

VCE Subjects



French & Chinese


VET Available

Flagship Programs

Academic Excellence, Coding and Robotics, Environment and Sustainability, Food Tech and Hospitality, Positive Psychology / Wellbeing, Work Experience Program,

About our school





Our College motto: Illuminare et Ardere – to light up and be on fire – reflects the vibrant energy and hunger for learning we aim to engender in our students. We see each person as possessing great potential and we encourage the striving for individual excellence in learning and personal development as a lifelong experience. We believe that each member of the Aquinas community is called by our God to share special and unique gifts with the world and to this end we are internationally minded.
Our commitment to Christian values means that it is our mission to help students develop the following qualities:

  • An awareness of God in their lives
  • The value of human relationships
  • A sense of justice
  • A hopeful spirit
  • A love of learning

The transition from primary to secondary school is a time of great anticipation. It marks the beginning of a new adventure in education with exciting possibilities in a large and complex setting. It is a time of great change. We are proud of our expert staff, committed to enhancing student learning experiences, encouraging involvement, leadership, community spirit, physical engagement, artistic endeavour, teamwork and social justice.
ncing student learning experiences, encouraging involvement, leadership, community spirit, physical engagement, artistic endeavour, teamwork and social justice.

Principal's Message

At Aquinas College, a love of learning grows in an environment that fosters strong relationships between the student and the teacher, based on a belief in the dignity of all. As a dynamic and innovative learning community, we strive to create an environment that meets the diverse needs of all students. Aquinas is a place in which hospitality is valued and a warm welcome awaits. As a Regional College of the Archdiocese of Melbourne, our founders had a vision of high quality, affordable Catholic education for our local community and we proudly boast strong inter-generational connection to many families residing in this region.

Our College motto – Illuminare et Ardere – is interpreted by us to mean To Light Up and Be on Fire. In all that happens at Aquinas there is great enthusiasm and as a school based on the gospel values of Jesus Christ, we make every endeavour to provide an enjoyable and challenging Catholic secondary education.

At Aquinas College we are committed to educating our students to take their place in a global environment and to view the world from multiple perspectives with an awareness of God in their lives guided by the virtues taught by our College Patron, St Thomas Aquinas, and our College values: spirituality, belonging, perseverance, compassion, stewardship and justice. We closely connect student wellbeing to learning, as students who feel safe at school are inclined to learn more successfully and take greater advantage of school life and it’s many benefits.

We are accredited with the highly regarded Council of International Schools which has over 700 members across the world. At the same time, we are committed to every student experiencing success in their personal learning and life development. Our aim is to assist students to embrace and harness their unique gifts by providing a broad comprehensive curriculum in the Middle Years, with increasing opportunity to pursue specific areas of interest as students proceed to their Senior Years.

At Aquinas we want every student to find opportunities to embrace their spirit and ‘discover their place’ in a welcoming and supportive community.

Mr David Broadbent


Quick Facts

  • A large campus set over 16 hectares in the leafy Eastern Suburbs
  • Catholic Social teachings embedded in our curriculum and co-curricular programs
  • A diverse and extensive curriculum and vocational pathways
  • A large sport & multifunctional outdoor area including multiple sporting fields and a fully equipped gymnasium
  • A student wellbeing program with access to on-site counsellors
  • Inclusive leadership program with student led leadership initiatives
  • Easy access to the school via public transport direct to the school
  • Language and cultural immersions with overseas and national trips (Including Borneo, France and Kakadu)

More from the school

Aquinas College VIC – Change Makers

Aquinas College has six core values: belonging, stewardship, perseverance, justice, compassion and spirituality. These values are not simply words on a page but are lived in our community. Opportunities for […]

Change Makers

Upcoming Dates


Aquinas College has excellent and modern facilities to support and enhance learning and offers many opportunities for sport, the arts and recreation.

These include:


  • Modern classrooms and learning areas
  • A comprehensive Resource Centre
  • Media, design and Art centre
  • Science precinct
  • New Outdoor multifunctional sports centre
  • A two court indoor sports hall with fully functioning gymnasium
  • Ovals and both open and covered recreation spacesplusanewstructurebeingbuilt
  • A 300-seat theatre, 150 and 64 seat lecture theatres and supporting drama spaces
  • A music centre with practice rooms and studios
  • An registered trade training centre featuring a full equipped training kitchen


2021 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 564 553 555 561 565
Year 9 598 574 579 583 595

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2021. Data sourced from:

2022 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 555 559 559 542 553
Year 9 584 556 581 579 583

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2022. Data sourced from:

Campus Locations

Main Campus

46 Great Ryrie Street, Ringwood, 3134

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