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St Patrick’s College – Our Past, Our Present, Our Future
St Patrick’s College has a proud history of educating young men since 1952. The College has been home to thousands of students and has provided them and their families with a sense of belonging and community.
Over the past 72 years, we have evolved to be a successful teaching and learning facility that nurtures our students for success. Teaching and learning practices have changed dramatically over the years, and as a College, we are well prepared for future educational advancements.
We are responsive to the rapidly changing world around us and the impacts this will have on the future workforce and are committed to ensure our young men are well equipped with the skills and values they will require to be successful.
St Patrick’s is dedicated to developing young men into good citizens who go out into the world and make it a better place. We recognise the achievements of our past students in their pursuit of successful careers and professions.
Special thanks to our families, students both past and present and friends of the College for adding to the fabric of the College to make it the special community it is today.