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St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace – Our Past, Our Present, Our Future
The values of Blessed Edmund Rice shaped our beginning, encouraging and growing boys into young men equipped with the confidence and knowledge to make their mark in the world. While times have certainly changed and society is faced with social, political and environmental challenges, the education our students receive remains as relevant as ever before. The Gentlemen of Terrace form a genuine understanding of these challenges through justice and advocacy work with House Friendship Groups. Each year level is also given the opportunity to embark on Gospel-centred retreats at the College’s Outdoor Education Centre. These retreats aim to provide a reflective experience where each student is supported with seeing the realities of our world in new ways. As we move towards our 150th year, we acknowledge and embrace the ways that teaching and learning are changing.
Classroom learning is aided by our newly refurbished flexible learning classrooms where students can readily collaborate with peers and adapt learning to meet their academic goals. To future-proof the operations of the College, our new primary precinct will begin development in 2024 with a view to opening a dedicated, purpose-built facility for our primary students in 2025.
The Terrace experience is one that connects a man for life. Along with our loyal 18,000 strong Old Boy community, we remain committed to ensuring that every Gentleman of Terrace is empowered to make a difference through service to God, their community and each other.