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Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College – Our Past, Our Present, Our Future
Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College is blessed to be the beneficiary of a rich legacy of social justice and advocacy established by the Sisters of Mercy North Sydney.
It is the cornerstone of a Monte education to inspire our girls to act with courage and compassion towards discerning action for justice; to live their lives with humility and kindness, unequivocal about welcoming all people with respect.
Inspired by the charism of the Sisters of Mercy, the College educates young women in the Mercy Tradition. This means the College is guided by the values of Mercy, Justice, Service, Human Dignity and Option for the Poor, which are integrated into all curricular and co-curricular activities.
Our Mercy values permeate all aspects of College life and inspire our young women to realise their personal sense of self, spirituality and social responsibility. To some, this dynamic championing may appear revolutionary, but for a Monte student, it is a way of life.
As the College prepares to celebrate 150 years of educating and empowering young women, we are confident in our past and hopefully for the future as Monte girls continue to make their mark in all walks of life.