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How Your School Can Dominate First Page Rankings on Google

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Have you ever heard the saying “the best place to hide a dead body is on page two of Google”? No one knows for sure where this saying originated, but we do know that only 0.78 percent of searchers click on results shown on the second page of Google. Since not very many people are even looking at search results beyond the first page, it is important that your school website rank on page one, and the higher the better.

There are many factors that influence your search engine ranking. Your online presence and reputation can impact every aspect of your digital marketing strategy. This is why it is essential to prioritize your SEO strategy and dominate first page rankings on Google and other search engines.

SEO is a tough endeavor, especially for many independent schools. Dominating the first page ofGoogle search results requires an understanding of what Google looks for when displaying results, as well as how to leverage changing algorithms and trends. SEO has the capacity to impact every aspect of your website’s online presence, including your Google rankings.

Many schools I talk with express their frustration trying to keep up with Google’s constantly changing algorithm. In reality, there’s no magic wand to boost your Google ranking, but there are steps you can take to climb to the top of the search engine results page (SERP).

Before we get started, it’s important to note that, in order to get the most out of today’s blog article, your website and content should meet a certain level of quality.

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