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Domremy College – Our Past, Our Present, Our Future

The spirit of the Presentation charism permeates all that is Domremy College. The first Presentation school established in Sydney by the sisters after arriving from Ireland, Domremy College values all that is Presentation. Whether this be the caring and warm welcome to newcomers, seen in our Big Sister program and dedicated Transition and Learn-to-Learn programs, pragmatic innovations brought about by social justice programs, Domremy College is a lantern to all who follow Jesus’ footsteps in the way of Nano Nagle. Growing enrolments, new curriculum offerings and dedicated staff, mean the present for Domremy College is exciting and invigorating.

Partnerships with parents have strengthened over the years with authentic understandings of Domremy’s academic opportunities and significant pastoral care resources and programs giving parents and carers peace of mind as their daughters traverse and navigate the modern world. Students can choose from a broad (and expanding) curriculum (both on and off campus) and make the most of strong relationships with neighbouring schools, education and training providers, online learning and community schools.

Growing investment in the Creative Arts and STEM, while continuing to ensure expert professional learning for staff, has Domremy well set up for the future and all it entails.


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