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50 Back to School Jokes for Kids

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Start the school year off on the right foot and with a good laugh with these back to school jokes for kids.

The beginning of a school year can be stressful for kids and parents alike. New teachers, new environments, long days, adjusting to new routines, and getting back into important habits can all feel overwhelming. Ease some of the stress with these kids’ school jokes that will help everyone crack a smile.

You could easily turn jokes into a printable and add it to your kid’s lunch box to help brighten their day. Share a joke while getting ready in the morning, or save it for around the dinner table at night to help ease tension and lighten the mood. From Kindergarten to High School, these 50 jokes are a great starting point, and before you know it swapping jokes may become something everyone looks forward to.

Here’s our list of 50 Back to School Jokes for Kids.

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