News and Media
5 reasons why you need a mix of media in your school marketing
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The question is often asked: “What is the best media for my marketing campaign – traditional (TV, radio, print, direct mail), digital or both?”
If you think back to the days when there was only advertising (if you weren’t around back then – imagine), marketers have been aware that using only one medium is not as effective as producing a marketing campaign across several channels.
Combining different types of media is more important than ever because our audience connect with more types of media than they have ever done in the past.
A marketing campaign that uses multiple forms of media such as traditional advertising techniques combined with digital such as social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube), text content, online video advertisements and other forms of media has the ability to increase engagement.
Advertising isn’t only ‘hard’ advertisements. Quite often the most engagement is the result of building awareness and relationships through ‘soft’ adverts, such as social media engagement and hashtags.
Marketers have seen the positive results of using relatively new media and realised that combining multiple media is more effective than using them in a standalone campaign.