Xavier College





Established: 1998

Principal: Mr Mark Flaherty

Address: 1 Kentish Rd , Gawler Belt 5118


Key Information




Please see College website (Primary)

Please see College website (Secondary)

SACE Subjects





VET Available

About our school

Xavier College offers a Catholic education where our students are exposed to a wide range of curriculum offerings to prepare them for life beyond school. The subjects we teach are developed in accordance with the requirements of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).

High quality teaching and learning is paramount across all campuses, where we utilise a range of pedagogies that facilitate explicit teaching, as well as provide opportunities for inquiry-based learning pedagogies such as Project Based Learning (PBL). The PBL process allows students to analyse authentic problems enabling the development of deep content knowledge, as well as critical thinking skills, collaboration, creativity and strong communication skills.

Specialist lessons are offered at all campuses with Italian being the language of choice. This is a versatile language that is reflective of the College’s Salesian heritage. Other specialist areas include Numeracy, Technology, and Arts.

We are committed to meeting the needs of all students, and our Inclusive Education program ensures all students can access the curriculum and fully participate in school life. This is achieved through Personalised Plans for Learning, parental involvement, additional teacher support in class, specialist literacy and numeracy programs and adjustments to curriculum delivery and assessment for students.

Xavier College places great emphasis on the development of literacy and numeracy skills. Data is used to inform teaching practice to target students at their specific skill level, to explicitly teach skills and strategies required to understand, and apply knowledge and content.

At Xavier College, students are provided with opportunities to further enhance their development in learning experiences which can help them to develop and flourish. Within the classroom teachers use differentiated teaching and assessment, enabling gifted and talented students to both extend and develop their strengths. Students who demonstrate high intellectual potential are encouraged to further develop their specific talents through stimulating programs and extra-curricular opportunities.

Principal's Message

Xavier College was opened in 1995 in the tradition of the Salesian Order. The Salesians are a Congregation of the Catholic Church that have been involved in teaching and youth work in every part of the world for over 150 years and pass on to the College their ethos and rich tradition in the education of young people.

We use the Hebrew word RUAH, which means ‘Spirit of God’, as an acronym to express the core values of the CollegeRespect, Understanding, Affection and Humour. These values shape a learning environment which is relational and joyfully celebrates the unique gifts and talents of every student.

It is a community of faith that encourages every student to enhance their understanding of the world in which they live, seek to meaningfully contribute to the betterment of society and simply be the best person they can be.

Quick Facts

  • Consistent 100% SACE Completion
  • Campuses at Gawler Belt, Evanston and Two Wells
  • Xavier has a very successful Pedal Prix team
  • College bands and ensembles students are able to join
  • Playgroup at Evanston Campus
  • OSHC available at Evanston and Two Wells Campus
  • Certificate II in Engineering offered (for eligible students)
  • Camps in Year 5, 7, 9
  • Year 12 Retreat
  • Over 240 staff and approximately 2000 students
  • Authentic relationships at the heart of our Pastoral Care system


Facilities Across Campuses

  • Chapel
  • Auditorium (300 seat theatre)
  • Maker spaces
  • Art, multi-media and design rooms
  • Drama facilities
  • Expansive landscaping
  • Nature Play areas
  • Indigenous Gardens
  • Food and Technology Centre with Industrial kitchen
  • Information and Communication Technology facilities
  • Green rooms and green screens
  • Physics, Chemistry, Biology and general Science laboratories
  • Science Learning Centre incorporating sustainability elements and agriculture
  • Specialist Music Centre
  • Sporting facilities including double court gymnasiums, football ovals, soccer pitches, tennis, netball and basketball courts
  • Pedal Prix Track
  • Student Hubs and Library facilities
  • Trade Training Centre for Metals Engineering, and Technology centre for woodwork

Campus Locations

Main Campus

1 Kentish Rd , Gawler Belt, 5118

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