St Teresa’s College, Abergowrie QLD







Established: 1933

Principal: Angus Galletly

Address: 3819 Ingham-Abergowrie Rd , Abergowrie 4850


Key Information




Tuition $12,816.00, Boarding $22,401 (Secondary)

QCE Subjects





VET Available

Boarding School

About our school

St Teresa’s College Abergowrie, is a Catholic secondary boys boarding College located in the Herbert River Valley, 38 kms from Ingham, situated on Warrgamay Island. We are an inclusive community, embracing families from the Australian mainland and islands.

Within the college, more than 40 communities are represented and as many as 70 languages and dialects are spoken. Although the Religious Context of the College is Catholic, there are many other religious traditions represented in the faith community of the College, and these are very welcome.

They can enrich the living of the message of Jesus Christ and strengthen the embrace of the truth and challenge of the gospel of Jesus Christ within the College community.

Principal's Message

St Teresa’s College, Abergowrie, has served the needs of families since 1933. There is a strong rural dimension to the College that has developed from pioneering days with the Christian Brothers, at the request of the then Bishop of Townsville, to provide a College that caters especially for boys from rural backgrounds.

The College has excelled over the last decade in supporting parents and communities to educate remote Indigenous Australian students from the Northern Territory, Cape York, the Torres Strait and even the southern Queensland area. As a Catholic residential boarding College we can offer students, in partnership with their parents, a very complete and fulfilling educational experience.

If you would like to know more about what we can offer please feel free to visit the College or contact us by email, phone or fax. I look forward to seeing you and hopefully we can provide for you and your son’s educational needs

Yours Sincerely, Angus Galletly

Campus Locations

Main Campus

3819 Ingham-Abergowrie Rd , Abergowrie, 4850

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