St Patrick’s Technical College, Edinburgh North SA







Established: 2007

Principal: Danny Deptula

Address: 2-6 Hooke Rd , Edinburgh North 5113


Key Information


21 Teaching

21 Non Teaching


Campus Based students $4860; Apprentice & Traineeship students $1390 (Secondary)

SACE Subjects





VET Available

About our school

St Patrick’s Technical College is one of South Australia’s premier vocational education secondary schools training the next generation of skilled workers. We are a purpose-built trade training college offering a trade relevant South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) curriculum, training and apprenticeship pathways to Years 10, 11 & 12 students.

The College’s innovative and flexible programs centre around vocational training. Students achieve their SACE via a tailored curriculum with SACE subjects created by the college with direct input from industry to specifically support VET. Our goals are for students to complete their SACE, gain an apprenticeship, go onto employment, or further learning.

The college creates valuable real workplace experiences for students with specialist trade training programs and a unique school-based apprenticeship and traineeship model where students can spend up to a minimum of 42 weeks at work. Programs incorporating Certificate II qualifications are offered in Automotive, Construction, Electrotechnology, Food & Hospitality, Hair & Beauty, Metals & Engineering, Plumbing and Information Technology (Certificate III).

The St Patrick’s Technical College team works with an extensive network of employers, industry associations, training providers and group training organisations to source opportunities for students to start their skilled trade careers.

Over 1200 students have secured apprenticeships or traineeships since the college opened in 2007, producing a talent pool of young people and our industry leaders of tomorrow.


Along with Saturday Principal’s Tours and Open Night we hold weekly Thursday College Tours on alternate mornings at 9:30am or afternoons at 4pm. Bookings are essential as numbers are strictly limited to ensure individual attention. Registrations are essential and bookings can be made via our College Tours and Events page on our website.

Principal's Message

Welcome to St Patrick’s Technical College

Every student who attends St Patrick’s Technical College is amazingly gifted and talented. Our focus is to provide a different style of education from that of mainstream schools, accommodating students who love to work with their hands and helping find a pathway they are passionate about.

Our students are inspired to use their unique gifts and talents to discover they really are capable learners. With a new sense of hope and value, this encourages them to be thriving young adults with the confidence to go out and develop meaningful and lifelong pathways to successful employment and future industry leadership.

St Patrick’s Technical College provides students with the education, training, real-life personal experiences and employability skills that employers crave for, setting them up for positive job prospects into the future.

The College is closely partnered with and guided by industry. We are a school that is connected and responsive to industry and completely innovative in its model around work experience, school-based apprenticeships, VET and the SACE.

Learning and education is a lifelong process. We recognise that students learn differently and the skills they learn through a trade will serve them well for the rest of their life.

I invite you to explore vocational education, hands-on learning and flexible study options available at St Patrick’s Technical College, to skill and prepare secondary school students for jobs now and of the future.

Danny Deptula

More from the school


  • Metals & Engineering Workshop
  • Construction Workshop
  • Commercial Kitchen
  • Automotive Workshop
  • Electrotechnology Workshop
  • Information Technology Workroom
  • Plumbing Workshop
  • Gymnasium
  • Student Hub
  • Student Kitchen
  • Basketball Courts
  • Apprenticeship & Traineeship Office
  • Classrooms

Campus Locations

Main Campus

2-6 Hooke Rd , Edinburgh North, 5113

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