Key Information
13 Teaching
5 Non Teaching
See website (Primary)
About our school
We prepare our students for the challenges of everyday living by developing their skills in Numeracy and Literacy, supporting them to problem solve and to think critically and creatively.
Our specialist programs support holistic education through the Arts – Performing Arts and Visual Arts, Physical Education and Italian language. Engagement is high in our school garden and sustainability club, the choir and chess club.
Welcome to our school community – ‘a small school with a big heart’.
Principal's Message
At St Margaret Mary’s the well-being of our students is paramount. For students to be able to learn they need to be happy. We aim to develop individuals who are resilient, reflective, self-managed, curious, collaborative and creative within a warm environment where everyone feels that they belong.
The development of relationships between students and their teachers and students with each other is fundamental to our work. We want to develop self-worth and confidence, both requirements for actively engaged learners.
“Catch the Spirit” of life, love and learning here at St Margaret Mary’s!