Gilroy Santa Maria College, Ingham QLD







Established: 1949

Principal: Kevin Barnes

Address: 17 Chamberlain St , Ingham 4850


Key Information




$4,127 (Secondary)

QCE Subjects





VET Available

About our school

Welcome to Gilroy Santa Maria College, Ingham Set in the cane fields of North Queensland on the outskirts of Ingham, Gilroy Santa Maria College offers outstanding educational opportunities to our students within a warm and caring environment.

The College is the result of a merger of two secondary Catholic schools, Santa Maria High School a girls’ school was run by the Sisters of Mercy, and Cardinal Gilroy College a boys’ school operated by the Christian Brothers.

Principal's Message

Gilroy Santa Maria College is a co-educational Catholic College administered by Townsville Catholic Education with a current enrolment of approximately 330 students.

We are recognised throughout Northern Queensland as a school that has achieved great success in the academic, cultural, sporting and vocational fields over the past 60 years.

Our curriculum is broad, allowing for the development of students in many areas. We have a skilled Student Support Services Team available to provide counselling, career advice and learning support for students, parents and teachers.

Gilroy Santa Maria strongly promotes a friendly, learning, Catholic community and encourages the growth of our students through the gospel values. Our staff are dedicated professionals with a supportive, pastoral approach who believe in holistic development of our young men and women in the Catholic tradition.

I invite you to visit our community and see our beautiful grounds and working environment. Gilroy Santa Maria College would be an excellent choice of Secondary College for your child and I am confident you would experience what it means to be a part of a friendly, learning, Catholic community.

Kevin Barnes,
College Principal

2021 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 530 506 526 520 550
Year 9 562 539 552 554 587

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2021. Data sourced from:

2022 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 7 536 516 532 536 529
Year 9 564 529 549 558 579

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2022. Data sourced from:

Campus Locations

Main Campus

17 Chamberlain St , Ingham, 4850

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