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Thought Leadership – By Principal Sam Cosentino, Nazareth College,VIC

Nazareth College is a home for very child and family that belong to our Community.  We pride ourselves as being welcoming and embrace family values.  In partnership, we aim to ensure that everyone builds their capacity to become a better citizen.

Our faith based education instils a strong sense of moral and ethical responsibility.  It encourages everyone to think of those less fortunate and to actually become proactive in supporting those in need.  We encourage words to be tuned into action.

We also encourage our students to utilise their talents and to extend themselves.  Our staff members walk alongside each students guiding them and promoting growth.

My task as the Principal is to ensure that we have the best facilities and personnel to achieve our goals.  My presence and familiarity with our Community is extremely important.  We need to provide opportunities to engage and work collaboratively to ensure that the best learning and life opportunities are provided.  Nazareth College is a school of opportunity where everyone is encouraged to engage and develop their skills and knowledge.  It is a place of growth in Faith, Wisdom and Knowledge.

God Bless

Sam Cosentino


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