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St Scholastica’s College NSW – Change Makers
Change Maker, often described as: “someone who has found the self- permission to advance change for the good of all, someone who is intentional
about solving a social or environmental problem, motivated to act and to be creative.” For that to occur a school must engender confidence among it community — students, parents, staff — confidence to address change for good, to try new things, to lead and to inspire.
Each of the people profiled herewith does just that. Some have led robust change by having the confidence to enter politics or to start a business; other change has been nuanced and subtle — for instance, by transforming the boarding experience of our girls or by undertaking ground-breaking scientific research to advance the nation’s health. In each case, change has been led “for the good of all” and underpinned by the ethos and encouragement of the College and drawing on the essential values of the Rule of St Benedict that enabled the change maker to act.
St Scholastica’s College: a school of and for change makers.