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St Paul’s Catholic College, Greystanes NSW – Reimagining Education

Our new College Learning Framework has been built upon the vision and voice of all our community members – the staff, students and parents.

This framework is the centrepiece of all that we do at the College. It is a vision for learning which is contemporary, collaborative and life-giving. It is a reference point which serves a reminder about what we value at St Pauls.

Our community of learners is diverse. As such we provide an educational experience that not only seeks to develop their capacity and their abilities as students but also seeks to grow young men who have a keen sense of social justice, an active empathy, and a love of lifelong learning.

To that end, the education at St Pauls does not simply reside in the classroom. It exists in the wider world of our local school community, its surrounds and the global context.

Our students are taught to think globally and act locally. The learning our students experienced can be easily transferred their real-world existence ensuring its relevance and its impact.


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