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St Mary’s College, Woodend – Building Resilience
Students at St Mary’s College are inspired by the example of Catherine McAuley and the Sisters of Mercy. Travelling to Ipswich in 1863, the sisters acted with courage, determined to rise to the challenge of establishing a school in the region.
St Mary’s provides all young women with opportunities to develop, excel and lead. Our students believe in themselves, have the conviction to meet life’s challenges and succeed. As women of Mercy, our students have the strength to stand up, speak out and challenge injustice.
We understand the needs of young women and work proactively to build strength, confidence and resilience. All leadership positions at St Mary’s College are filled by girls and our students are encouraged to lead, compete, participate and take risks. Younger students see examples of strength and confidence in our older students and aspire to emulate their success.
The Mercy charism has flowed through many generations and continues to inspire us to perform ordinary things, extraordinarily well. The example of Catherine to go where there was a need to spread mercy, encourages and empowers our students in their words and their actions.