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St Mary’s College, Adelaide SA – Champions of Change
St Mary’s College students have committed to challenging the status quo and being a ‘Voice for the Voiceless’ through active participation in local, national and global ecological events.
Students are working to develop a carbon-neutral college through the Digital Twin Project. By mapping and tracking our solar panels through 3D technologies, students work towards a battery-powered future. Students in the garden group are working towards an urban restoration; through the propagation of native remnant species, Indigenous planting rejuvenates our CBD campus as an inner-city habitat corridor. Linked with our STEM and Science classes (from Reception – Year 12), students are putting into action the ecological lessons of Biological Sciences, actively contributing to the restoration of endangered species such as the Chequered Copper Butterfly. Students are passionately lobbying state and national governments and participating in community events such as the Strike4Climate Protests, voicing their concerns about our ecological future.
Student apiarists are also proud to share their work in installing a rooftop beehive, where shortly, harvesting honey will occur. Our Frog Pond has also seen the rejuvenation of previously sparse garden space into a native ecological hub, home to various insects, birds and lizards. Continued propagation of our native species will see our students hone their horticultural skills while also building a new nature play space. By immersing our students in the garden, they are forming powerful connections with nature.
Our students challenge the anthropocentric worldview and advocate that every part of creation matters and deserves treatment with dignity.