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St John Fisher College, Bracken Ridge QLD – Champions of Change
It is rare for children to truly appreciate the privilege of a good education, so when a group of Year 9 students put forward the idea of a St John Fisher Bursary, the College wholeheartedly embraced the initiative. Realising and appreciating the opportunities their education provides, the three bursary founders, Tilly, Lilly and Leela set about creating a bursary to make an education at St John Fisher College available for students whose families are experiencing financial hardship. Distributions from this fund will assist St John Fisher College in allowing students to start or continue their schooling at the College. The vision is for a bursary that provides not only a valuable education for young women but also benefits and diversifies the St John Fisher community. With a bursary, funds are awarded to those who cannot afford to pay full fees, however unlike a scholarship, it is not based on performance. The founding students passionately feel that the St John Fisher College community should directly assist the underprivileged by living out our Catholic responsibility of supporting families who are struggling financially. These three girls exemplify what it means to be real champions of change, paving the way for future diversity and positive growth in our community.