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St Dominic’s Priory College, North Adelaide SA – Champions of Change
According to OECD, student agency is the belief that students have the ability and the will to influence positively their own lives and the world around them. Student agency is defined as the capacity to set a goal, reflect and act responsibly to effect change.
How does St Dominic’s Priory College encourage Champions of Change?
A student led initiate at the College is the Prefects Makers of Change Award. This was introduced by Senior Student College Prefects. At each level, up to three students are recognised for the significant contributions they have made to the school, local or wider community. This recognition takes place in a formal setting each Term at a School Assembly.
Some award recipients have;
- Performed extra duties in the classroom
- Made a notable impact on another peer’s day
- Volunteered for and enthusiastically worked on big or small idea
- Developed ideas that promote sustainability and care for the environment
- Been class leaders who perform normally assigned responsibilities at an exceptional level
- Contributed to outreach or community service outside of the school (ie. carer, church group, sporting club)
- Taken on the role of Carer for an ill family member
Girls who find their own voice in supportive schools are more likely to develop a confident voice, a capacity to act in the world and a willingness to lead others.