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St Benedict’s College, Mango Hill QLD -Building Resilience

Respect, relationships, and resilience are three key pillars to student wellbeing at St Benedict’s College. Our emphasis on positive education, holistic education and restorative practices underpins our desire to nurture happy, resilient young adults. With increasing numbers of young people in Australia experiencing mental health and wellbeing issues, we recognise that there is need for preventative measures that empower and equip students to deal with the growing complexity of their world. Our Pastoral Care program is structured to teach students about resilience and then encourages them to practice being resilient. Resilience is developed like any other skill, by practicing it. The more we practice it the more resilient we become. The ability to bounce forward from a setback is crucial to a satisfying life. Building resilience is key to this. Our Pastoral Care Teams play a significant and special role in guiding students through adolescence. Their dedication and genuine concern for the students in their care is outstanding. They encourage, support and challenge them to strive to be resilient, to persevere, to reach their potential academically, socially, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Caring pastorally for our students is something we do exceptionally well here at St Benedict’s College.


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