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St Bede’s College VIC – Champions of Change
We are delighted to announce that from 2021, St Bede’s College will have a second campus in Bentleigh East (on the current St James College site) which will broaden our student population. The population in 2021 will be around 1950 students across the two campuses. We offer a Christian education, one that inherently believes that boys can become young men who are prayerful, contemplative, socially just and aware that they are part of a global society.
We are an inclusive community where students have the right to be safe, valued, challenged and respected by all. We also believe that such respect carries mutual responsibility for others as part of our College family. Strong pastoral care links between the student, family and school are a hallmark of the College. St Bede’s College thrives on the concept of community where we are brothers and sisters to one another.
Our motto is Per Vias Rectas (By Right Paths). It is important that young men have a strong set of values that underpin the way they live. We live those values by respecting and honouring our heritage while looking with imagination to the future.