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St Bede’s College, VIC – Building Resilience

Our motto is Per Vias Rectas (By Right Paths). It is important that young men have a strong set of values that underpin the way they live. We live those values by respecting and honouring our heritage while looking with imagination to the future. The welfare of students at St Bede’s College is paramount.

Each student is entitled to the opportunity to participate, learn and achieve his best. The pastoral care structure of the College aims to support students through their time at St Bede’s. At St Bede’s College, learning is underpinned by the Lasallian values of Faith, Service and Community. Our curriculum programs seek to affirm the intrinsic worth of each student in our care and recognise the importance of connecting with others as we learn. We see it as integral to the school’s mission to provide opportunities for all students to succeed.


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