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St Aloysius Catholic College, Adelaide SA – Champions of Change
Our current Strategic Plan outlines the ways in which St Aloysius College educates young women who are confident, capable and willing to act for change in our world. As a Mercy school, we see change as an essential part of learning and our faith inspires us to foster a passion for social justice. The young leaders who emerge from the College are empowered to notice the world around them, to raise their voices and participate actively in decision-making, both here at school and beyond.
Student leadership is fostered through formal structures, such as the Student Representative Council and the Justice and Mercy group, from Reception to Year 12. We acknowledge that students of all ages are able to exercise leadership and we learn most about how to lead through our peers. Programs like SiA Sisters (Reception and Year 6), the Coaching Collective (Year 3 and Year 10) and Peer Support (Year 7 and Year 10) enable students to build the networks that support and encourage them to dare to lead.
At St Aloysius College, we are confident that our graduates will truly grow to be leaders for the world God desires.