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St Aloysius Catholic College, Adelaide SA – Celebrating Australia’s First People
At St Aloysius College, we maintain a strong commitment to Celebrating Australia’s First People. Our school reflects the diversity of Australian society and many creative ideas are generated to celebrate our cultural backgrounds. The SAC Justice and Mercy group (JAM) meets regularly for information sharing, leadership development and action planning for events such as Harmony Day and Reconciliation Week. Students from Years 7 to Year 12 form this energetic and dedicated group and they have actively promoted greater understanding of indigenous issues within the College and beyond.
We are proud to provide opportunities such as the Sr Deirdre Jordan Indigenous Scholarship. Sr Deirdre Jordan AC, MBE is an eminent old scholar, former Principal of the College, who was involved in significant research projects, highlighting future directions in Aboriginal education. In recognition of her outstanding contribution, St Aloysius College is pleased to award opportunities to students of indigenous background who demonstrate potential in academic studies. Recently, the Feehan Scholarship was introduced, in honour of the family of Sr Pat Feehan RSM, to support an indigenous student from the Elizabeth area to complete her secondary education at SAC.
Year 11 students go on an annual expedition to Pipalyatjara in the APY lands. Our friendship with this remote community and its Anangu School was established in 2010. Students learn about what issues Indigenous Australians are facing, our friendship’s value and the importance in establishing connections. Students and staff say this trip is an experience to cherish for a lifetime.