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Southern Cross Catholic Vocational College, Burwood NSW – Reimagining Education
Our College allows our students to combine studies for senior school qualifications with higher level national qualifications at Certificate II and Certificate III level. Southern Cross students graduatework-ready and with dual qualifications.
The College provides quality applied learning pathways inclusive of the performing arts and vocational pathways in first class facilities. The focus on applied learning – allowing students to learn by doing – is supported by the College’s enterprise department and extensive affiliations with business and industry partners. Our College graduates have been regular finalists and winners of Australian and NSW Training Awards.
The integration of campus-based and work-based learning provides an ideal opportunity for students to flourish and develop valuable employability skills, whilst also encouraging an individual’s creativity and passion for Music, Dance, Drama or Musical Theatre through the Performing Arts specialisation.
The Innovation and Enterprise specialisation provides a special focus on employability by providing a wide range of available traineeships and apprenticeships where students are able to fast-track their training into a career.
Southern Cross is a unique and special place for young adults to learn and grow. Learning is personalised and supported by student advisors and expert performing arts professionals and specialist learning facilitators.