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Simonds Catholic College, Melbourne West VIC – Building Resilience

Resilience is something that comes naturally to many of our boys. There is a strong sense of getting on with the job at hand and focusing on what needs to be done in the present, with little overthinking or putting too much emphasis on past difficulties or problems. Behavioural mishaps are dealt with firmly, fairly and expediently so
that a lesson can be learned, but not to the detriment of the self esteem of the boy. A matter of fact approach, whereby discipline is metered out as natural consequences to poor behaviour, means that emotion and embarrassment are kept out of the equation and the dignity of the boy is kept intact. He is free to move on without stigma and that makes bouncing back, the mainstay of resilience, much more likely. Resilience is fostered by staff who put high value on the relationships formed with the boys. When boys feel supported by their teachers, they are more willing to stretch out of their comfort zone and take a chance in more challenging endeavours. Pivotal to this is that when mistakes are made they are seen not only as a natural part of learning and growing up, but where learning and growth actually occur. An understanding that they are respected for their efforts makes trying much easier and is the environment ideal for personal development.


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