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Santa Sabina College, Strathfield NSW -Champions of Change

Stella Azizian is the dynamic head of Gioia House, our new learning precinct for Years 5 and 6 on the senior campus of Santa Sabina College. A finalist for Primary Teacher of the Year in the Australian Educator Awards 2020, her approach to teaching and learning is rigorous, personalised, joyful and inclusive. She is renowned for her empathy as well as her individual attention to each of her students. She is always by their side, guiding them to shape their own learning journey. In the beautiful learning environment of Gioia House, Stella and her team prepare the girls for their secondary years academically and by helping them learn to rely on their own strength and grow in confidence. Stella’s attributes of warmth and enthusiasm and focus on building resilience bring joy into the lives of Santa Sabina students.


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