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Santa Maria College, Northcote VIC – Champions of Change
Student Voice: ‘Santa Maria has inspired me to speak my mind, to stand up for my beliefs. It has given me a voice’ (Theresa, Yr 12 graduate). Santa’s integrated programs offer 100 student leadership roles across the school, with 24 positions at year 12. Informal leadership is also encouraged, with students overseeing projects that promote a sense of responsibility to both people and the Earth. Girls are compassionate, confident, committed. The Future is Now: Santa Maria students engage as citizens within a fast-paced, ever-changing world. They are digitally literate, but more importantly, have a passion for the world in which they live. Guided by staff, girls: are entrepreneurial, utilising computational and design thinking; stand up for what is right, and what is needed, especially on issues of justice; respect the wisdom of the indigenous peoples of Australia; initiate and lead projects at the small group, class, village and college level.