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Salesian College, Sunbury VIC – Building Resilience
Throughout the challenges of the last two years, we have been proud to remain connected and to prioritise quality learning and teaching during extended periods of remote learning. Our dedicated sta! embraced innovative ways of teaching and learning to ensure each student could continue to strive for excellence and be
prepared for success in school and in life. We approached this period with flexibility and optimism so that
we could best support our students and broader community, while continuing to ensure they were able to achieve their goals. The adaptive approach to learning and teaching – specifically around infrastructure, hardware, availability and connectivity – allowed us to build resilience among our community as we learned together to cope with rapid and significant changes. At Salesian College Sunbury, we continued to empower students and promote the school values. We are proud to offer a diverse range of subjects and co-curricular opportunities for our students. Both students and sta! demonstrated immense capacity for resilience as these programs were adjusted to suit the changing climate, while still delivering the opportunities for learning and development.