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Padua College, Kedron QLD – Reimagining Education

The strength of an organisation comes from its stories and traditions but the future of an organisation rests in its relevance and innovation.

The pace of change in our world is happening faster than ever before
in human history. However, the last couple of years have certainly accentuated the impact that change has on our lives. It has accelerated the rapid adoption of technology as people have tried to stay connected, yet at the same time some things have slowed down and people have considered how they live, work and learn. It has been a time which has highlighted the advances in science and technology, but contrastingly, there has also been a realisation that science cannot compensate for the basic human desire of connection and healthy relationships.

Here at Padua, we embrace change, but we also recognise the need to hold true to things that we consider important pillars for a good education. Eight hundred years ago, the world was also going through change
when St Francis of Assisi heard the words of Jesus to “Go and rebuild my Church”. Francis, by going beyond his own world, was able to rebuild the church through his focus on relationships and service to others. While our complex world of today is greatly different to the world of St Francis, the values of a Franciscan education remain as important today as we prepare our boys for a complex and rapidly changing world.

We educate young men of wisdom, service and a quiet strength. This vision is permeated by our College values of Joy, Courtesy, Humility, Simplicity and Peace. Our vision for our young men is to live in a society where all can flourish, where respect is offered to all, where creation is respected, and where the dignity of everyone is central to our values system. As our community gather regularly in prayer and celebration, our students are constantly reminded of these life-giving traits, and how they can be lived out in the day-by-day encounters with family, friends and our wider world.


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