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Padua College, Kedron QLD – Champions of Change

We live in a world that is constantly undergoing change. Eight hundred years ago, the world was also going through change when St Francis of Assisi heard the words of Jesus to “Go and rebuild my Church”.

Francis saw a different world from the one perceived by most people of his time and by going beyond his own world. While our complex world of today is a lot different from the world of St Francis, the values of a Franciscan education remain just as important.

No generation has undergone such change as those living in this 21st century. Much of this has been driven by technology and social media. Diverse opinions are readily thrown at us, and many of us are often left bewildered at the pace of change.

Amid rapid change, there is a way forward. Here at Padua we embrace change, but we also recognise the need to hold true to things that we hold as important pillars for a good education. We introduce our students to a wide range of belief systems and multi-faith disciplines, we encourage debate and discussion, and then introduce our students to a Catholic and Franciscan world view.

Surely there is no better recipe for living in a society where all can flourish. Our society is one where respect is offered to all, and a future presented where creation is respected, where servant-leadership promotes a world where the dignity of each individual is central to our values system.


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