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Mount Lilydale Mercy College, Lilydale VIC – Champions of Change
At MLMC, we pride ourselves on being adaptive and responsive. In our College’s 125 years we have faced many challenges. We have learnt to embrace change as a community with faith, hope and courage. Meeting the complex needs of today’s students, who will be graduating, living and working in the 2020s and beyond is both a privilege and a challenge — it is what drives us.
Our Vision for Learning, adopted two years ago, aims to empower our students to be collaborative, curious and creative, emphatic and compassionate and resilient problem solvers in a globalised world. Our future is coloured by a number of emerging and established innovations in education with a focus on using student performance data and data analytics to inform our learning and teaching practices.
We take great pride in our student leaders who consistently show us their resilience, creativity and leadership. The many challenges presented by COVID-19 have put increased focus on our student leaders (Captains, Prefects and Student Representative Council members) who have consistently shown us their ability to meet each challenge swiftly and with a genuine drive to serve and lead our community.
Their contribution over 2020 has given us all great hope and confidence that they will be the leaders of the future and lifelong champions of change.