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Mount Lilydale Mercy College, Lilydale VIC – Building Resilience
Emerging from very challenging global times, a key educational interest for parents is to know about how MLMC is building resilient students by preparing them to be strong, confident and decisive leaders of the future, and how students are learning to confront and emerge stronger from today’s challenges.
Over the past five years, MLMC has embedded in Pastoral Care classes a resilience program. Creating a strong partnership with ‘The Resilience Project’, our Pastoral Care focuses on the core elements of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness. Students are encouraged to create the habit of calling on these three things when they are faced with difficulties in their life.
Although valuable at every level of schooling, we aim this program at our junior students to build their capacity to develop resilience and to better cope with changes and challenges they will face as they mature. Our resilience program is about giving them life-long skills that will assist them through the good and the bad times.
We are confident that we can help all of our students to build their resilience skills by showing them how to show empathy for others and recognise the good things that surround them, while acknowledging what it is that they are grateful for each day — something that can easily be overlooked in these challenging times.
We believe that if students can find an opportunity to be mindful each day, to be present in the moment, despite the busyness of school and family life, it will help them to reduce anxiety and improve wellbeing for themselves and all members of their family.
By teaching our students resilience through practicing three simple things a day, we believe we are creating young men and women who will be able to cope with life’s challenges and become strong leaders in our community.