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Mount Alvernia College, Kedron QLD -Champions of Change

Hannah Lowe, a Year 11 student at Mount Alvernia College, is a resourceful young woman who has demonstrated great leadership emanating from her profound respect and care for others. She seeks workable solutions designed to make lives better for all. Despite the extraordinary year we experienced in 2020, Hannah was a champion of change. She is a proactive member of the Outreach and Liturgy Committees and participant in Read Like a Girl in support of literacy.

Hannah has volunteered her time in support of Share the Dignity, Catholic Mission, and the Kindness Project, as well as being instrumental in creating the opportunity for staff and students to share fun photos of their pets during Learning from Home, through a wellbeing initiative called Pets in Isolation. She also continued her collection of items for pets as part of the Saint Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. Hannah received the Australian Defence Force Long Tan Youth Leadership Award in recognition of her leadership in 2020.


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