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Marist College, Ashgrove QLD – Building Resilience

Building within the boys a resilience to stand up for the care and enrichment of our environment is quintessential. The College has undertaken a number of initiatives to help make the College more sustainable. By reducing waste in both energy and water, we aim to develop and maintain a rate of use that preserves an ecological balance. We are continually planning for sustainability, and over the past 5 years, the College has installed solar panels, water tanks, power factor correction units, thermal comfort control systems and we’ve transitioned to LED lighting. We have created an achievable framework and continue to build on our sustainability program year on year. Year 13 Program, Building the confidence, skills and positivity of our Year 7 boys from day one is vital as they enter the secondary College. At Marist, we offer a highly personalised Catholic education, and students leave our care confident both intellectually and socially, aware of the world around them, respectful of others, and ready to meet the challenges of the next stages in their education and in their lives. So, who better to mentor our Year 7 boys? Our Year 13 Program ensures our Year 7s have a smooth transition into high school. Recent graduates return to the College to show the boys around, attend their lessons and make sure they are familiar with our processes. They provide important feedback to Pastoral leaders on how our new students are settling in to College life.


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