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Marcellin College, Bulleen VIC – Building Resilience

We recognise that our world is changing faster than ever before, and our children will live vastly di!erent lives than the ones we know today. It important that we provide for the development of the whole person so that our young men thrive and flourish in this new era. What is ‘The Marcellin Di!erence’? We recognise that we need to
develop the young men in our care as truly whole human beings. We aspire to cultivate a balance of foundational literacies, character attributes and key capability skills to navigate the world as compassionate Christians and ethical global citizens. We seek to equip each young man with the context they need to
comprehend the world they live in and help them build the necessary critical and creative thinking to better understand and positively contribute to society. Marcellin College aspires to foster a robust and inquisitive mind,
allowing each young man to emerge, grow and thrive. We aim to equip our young men to be as prepared as possible for any version of what lies ahead. Within a safe and nurturing learning environment, all young men are
supported to develop their independence, self-awareness, character, and the academic competence that they will need to meet the challenges of our constantly evolving world. In knowing their rights, they must also accept their responsibilities. We hope for each young man to become courageous and entrepreneurial thinkers capable of inventiveness, adaptability, and social and emotional resilience. Ultimately, our young men are called to explore new ways of thinking, preparing them to navigate the unknowns of tomorrow.


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