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MacKillop College, Werribee VIC – Champions of Change

In the photo below are two of MacKillop College’s Zoo Crew members, each working towards a world that is better ecologically and environmentally. These students play a key role in caring for the College’s reptiles, and furry or feathered creatures, helping to prepare food and clean enclosures, while also learning about the needs of the species and their natural environments. Along with the Sustainability and Environment Captains, EcoMack and many dedicated staff, the Zoo Crew are helping to create positive change by fighting for more sustainable solutions. This includes making the College better equipped and more environmentally friendly by composting, growing herbs and vegetables, repurposing, reusing, recycling, and raising community awareness, as well as helping the planet by contributing to reforestation. These continued efforts have led to the College receiving a ResourceSmart Award in the Victorian Sustainability Secondary Leadership category for being champions for the environment.


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