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Loreto College, Coorparoo QLD -Champions of Change

As champions of change, in 2020 Loreto College seamlessly moved to an online delivery of its curriculum and co-curricular activities through ViT@L (Virtual integrated Teaching @ Loreto). This capacity to embrace change allows teaching and learning at the College to be a dynamic experience, full of optimism for an evolving future. Knowing the intrinsic importance of interaction with others on students’ social-emotional well-being, we adopted a platform which incorporated synchronous teacher-student interaction. Moving forward, we will keep some of the innovative practices we learnt that enhanced our students’ learning. With over 93% of students indicating that
ViT@L has either met or exceeded their expectations, our students showed their capacity to rapidly adapt to changing circumstances.

As the first Catholic school to implement online parent-teacher interviews, we received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the College community. We will continue to adopt other innovative technologies and practices to meet the needs of our students and their families to ensure a Loreto education is progressive. Education is central to the development of young women and Catholic education draws on the relationship with God through Jesus and the Gospel message. Loreto education lives in relationship with this message, and does so with joyful heart and hopeful spirit.


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