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Iona College, Lindum QLD – Building Resilience

lona is a Visible Wellbeing school, in partnership with Professor Lea Waters from the University of Melbourne. At lona College, the focus on holistic development is demonstrated through this connection. To guide this approach, Professor Waters has developed the SEARCH wellbeing framework which prioritises the following domains of wellbeing: Strengths, Emotional Management, Attention and Awareness, Relationships, Coping, Habits and Goals. The PROSPER program being delivered to students at lona focuses on specific skills that will assist them to strengthen their relationships, build positive emotions, enhance personal resilience, promote mindfulness, and encourage a healthy lifestyle. Such lessons set students up to prosper both here and beyond the gates of lona College. The Positive Education Model developed for lona (based on the SEARCH wellbeing framework) outlines seven specific areas: Positivity – guiding students to develop positivity skills and experience
positive emotions, such as gratitude and mindfulness. Resilience – supporting students to develop the skills and attitudes that underpin resilient behaviour. Outcomes – the provision of an optimal learning environment to
enhance student outcomes and accomplishment. Strengths – developing personal character strengths and promoting a growth mindset. Purpose and Meaning – supporting students to develop a sense of purpose, meaning and faith. Engagement – encouraging and tracking student engagement in a variety of College activities. Relationships and Respect – supporting students to develop the social skills and pro-social values that underpin positive relationships.


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