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Emmaus Catholic College NSW – Change Makers

At Emmaus Catholic College, we offer opportunities for students to connect faith, learning and life. Our College exemplifies our mo to of “We Walk With Jesus” through encouraging students to model their behaviour based on Christ, showing compassion, love and kindness.

The community of Emmaus has a rich tradition of care and service, supporting students to become more aware of the world and their role in its future. We recognise that these matters are important to them so our social outreach programs empower young people to be active participants in the future they want to see.

Our students participate in a wide variety of local community activities to help develop a sense of pride, respect and responsibility for themselves and others. Initiatives, such as the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal, Winter Sleepout and Vinnies Van, allow students to support those in need. We are also particularly proud of our connections with the local Emmaus Village Aged Care where once a week, staff and students visit to spend time with the residents, providing friendship, enjoying conversation and playing games.


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